A to Z of Dogs

Filed Under (Dog stories) by editor on April-5-2011

When 22-month-old Tyler Jacobson went missing from his family home in South Carolina last Friday, his family feared the worst. Thankfully, their loyal black Labrador mix, Skyler, was around to keep the child safe.

Tyler had wandered out of his home at around 8pm on Friday wearing just a diaper and a t-shirt. Dozens of searchers scoured the woods near the boy’s home using tracking dogs and even helicopters. With the temperature dipping to the 40s overnight, there was real concern that the child would not survive alone in the woods.

On Saturday morning, searchers found Tyler about a quarter of a mile from the family’s home, with Skyler next to him. Rescuers believe that the dog stayed with Tyler overnight to keep him warm and safe.

Sheriff Jim Matthews said:

“I was with one of my officers talking to the helicopter crew when we got the call, ‘They found him’. And i was like, ‘Is he alive?’. We worried there was no way, because of the coldness and because he had been out there all night. They said, ‘He’s fine’, and I’m thinking, wow, how did that happen? I believe that dog being with him is what kept him alive.”

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