A to Z of Dogs

Filed Under (Dog legislation) by editor on March-9-2010

UK Government Ministers are considering changes to the Dangerous Dogs Act which would require dog owners to microchip their dogs and insure themselves against the risk their pet will attack someone.

Ministers are also considering introducing Dog Control Notices for misbehaving animals. These ‘Dogbo’ order would allow police officers and council officials to force owners to muzzle, leash or even neuter their pets.

The measures aim to tackle the growing problem of vicious animals being bred for use as weapons. The intention is not to demonise certain breeds. Home Secretary Alan Johnson said:

“The vast majority of dog owners are responsible, but there is no doubt that some people breed and keep dogs for the sole purpose of intimidating others, in a sense using dogs as a weapon.

“It is this sort of behaviour that we will not tolerate; it is this sort of behaviour that we are determined to stop.”

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